Rotary tables are the most cost-effective way to automate the feeding and
accumulation ofbottles can be used to collect or distribute bottles at the
beginning, middle, or end ofa bottle packaging line.
At thebeginningofabottle packaging line allows operators to quickly place the
table with large quantities ofempty bottles rather than feed bottles onto a
conveyor one byone manually. The rotary table then automatically discharges the
bottles onto the conveyor in a single file line.
In the middle of a packaging line allow you to deal with production bottlenecks
and service is helpful to maintain production lines running, a typica
example would be adding one of the tables in front of a labeler so when you need
to replace thelabel rollyou can keep running your bottle filler and capping
machine. Since the labeling machine is stopped the bottles will accumulate and
once itstarts backup ifthe machine can run faster than the filler and capper it wil
abethe bottles from the table as well as the ones from the production lines.
At the end of a bottle packaging line serve a critical purpose. They provide an
outletfor the finished product to collect in preparation for packing and prevent
the bottlesfrom backingup and slowing down your entire bottle packaging line.
In-feed tables, also called pack-offtables, are a popular option for end of the line
accumulation tables because they enable operators to quickly and easily remove
finished product from the rotary table. Having accumulation tables at the end of
the botting line is required unless you have a case packer or other means to
automatically handle the containers finishing the production process. Normally al
production lineshave this tables and the few that don't quickly realize that they
need it since any distraction, bathroom break or physical exhaustion will cause the
whole bottling line to stop instead of simply accumulating bottles.
Diameters available:80cm,100cm,120cm
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